Morgane FRITZ Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeure Associée
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    • Pôle
      Pôle Supply Chain, Purchasing & Project Management
    • Langue(s) parlée(s)
      Anglais, Espagnol, Français
    • Domaines d’enseignement
      Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises, Gestion durable de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, Ethique des Affaires, Management éthique de la supply chain, Digitalisation et durabilité, Achats Responsables, Méthodes de recherche qualitatives, Projets de recherche en Supply Chain Management
    • Domaines de recherche
      Développement durable dans les chaînes d´approvisionnement, Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE), Identification et analyse des parties prenantes, Business Models durables, Achats responsables, Éthique dans la supply chain
    • Campus
      La Rochelle



    Dr. Morgane M.C. Fritz a d'abord travaillé en tant qu'employée de projet à l'Institut des Sciences des Systèmes, de l'Innovation et de la Recherche en Durabilité (Institute for Environmental Systems Sciences - ESS), à l'Université de Graz, en Autriche. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets de recherche européens et autrichiens sur des thématiques telles que les business models durables pour l'approvisionnement énergétique dans les villes de taille moyenne, le traitement de matières premières critiques à partir de flux de déchets industriels et le développement d'une plateforme d'échange de données et d'indicateurs de durabilité sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

    Avant d'obtenir son doctorat en gestion de la durabilité des chaînes d'approvisionnement en 2017 à l'Université de Graz, elle a également été consultante en exploitation minière durable chez denkstatt GmbH (Autriche) et à l'IIED (Royaume-Uni) et Business Developer pour le recyclage de déchets tels que les résidus d’incinération des déchets municipaux (mâchefers) à Inashco B.V. à Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, et le béton à Lafarge, Paris, France.

    En 2014, pendant ses études en doctorat, elle a également réalisé un stage au Programme des Nations Unies pour l‘Environnement (PNUE), Genève, Suisse, où elle était en charge de développer une meilleure compréhension de la supply chain du mercure pour une utilisation dans l’orpaillage (extraction d’or à petite échelle), sujet qui fait depuis partie de ses intérêts de recherche.

    Elle a rejoint Excelia Business School en 2018 en tant que Professeure Assistante en Supply Chain Management, puis Professeure Associée depuis septembre 2019. Elle supervise également des étudiants dans l´élaboration de leur mémoire de Master et co-supervise des étudiants en doctorat.

    Ses activités et intérêts de recherche ont notamment mené à de nombreuses publications évaluées par des pairs dans des revues, des livres et des rapports pour l’industrie, en collaboration avec des chercheurs internationaux. Dr. Morgane M.C. Fritz agit également comme reviewer pour plusieurs revues académiques et co-éditrice pour des maisons d’édition prestigieuses comme Routledge. Au-delà de l’enseignement et de la recherche, elle est également un membre actif du groupe de travail des Principes de l’Education au Management Responsible (Principles for Responsible Management Education – PRME) et un membre fondateur du Global Movement Initiative (GMI) qui vise à promouvoir le développement durable dans les institutions d’éducation supérieure au management.

  • 2024

    Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Sciences de Gestion, Supply Chain Management, Université Lorraine, France


    Doctorat en Gestion Durable de la Chaîne d'Approvisionnement, Université de Graz, Autriche

  • 2018

    Enseignant-Chercheur - Professeure Associée, Excelia, La Rochelle, France


    Enseignante, Université de Graz, Graz, Autriche


    Chercheuse, Université de Graz, Graz, Autriche

  • Articles

    JUAN LARA-RODRIGUEZ, J. S., FRITZ, M. (2023). How does eliminating mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining lead to achieve Sustainable Development Goals? Natural Resources Forum. doi:10.1111/1477-8947.12279.
    FERRARI, G., FRITZ, M. (2023). Durabilité de la Supply Chain de la Filière Vins et Spiritueux : un Besoin d’Innovation et de Collaboration. Logistique & Management. doi:10.1080/12507970.2023.2222122.
    FRITZ, M., RUEL, S. (2023). What does ‘sustainable supply chain management’ really mean? A contribution to bridging the gap between research, education, and practice. International Journal of Logistics Management. doi:10.1108/IJLM-11-2022-0457.
    SILVA, M., FRITZ, M., SEURING, S., MATOS, S. (2023). Guest editorial: The social sustainability of global supply chains – a critical perspective on current practices and its transformative potential. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 53 (1), pp. 1-12.
    CARMAGNAC, L., SILVA, M., FRITZ, M. (2023). Exploring sustainable development goals adoption in supply chain management: A typology of coexisting institutional logics. Business Strategy and the Environment. doi:10.1002/bse.3661.
    SILVA, M., FRITZ, M., EL-GAHAIHY, W. (2022). Practice theories and supply chain sustainability: a systematic literature review and a research agenda.. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications., 4 (1), 19-38. doi:10.1108/MSCRA-01-2021-0001.
    LARA-RODRÍGUEZ, J. S., FRITZ, M. (2022). The Sustainable Development Goals in artisanal and small- scale gold mining: a review of opportunities to phase out mercury. Natural Resources Forum, 47 (2), 214-228. doi:
    KUZEY, C., FRITZ, M., UYAR, A., KARAMAND, A. S. (2022). Board gender diversity, CSR strategy, and eco-friendly initiatives in the transportation and logistics sector.. International Journal of Production Economics, 247.
    FRITZ, M., MIHAILOVA, D., SCHUBERT, I., BURGER, P. (2022). Exploring modes of sustainable value co-creation in renewable energy communities.. Journal of Cleaner Production, 330.
    FRITZ, M. (2022). A supply chain view of sustainability management. Cleaner Production Letters, 100023.
    BORUCHOWITCH, F., FRITZ, M. (2022). Who in the firm can create sustainable value and for whom? A single case-study on sustainable procurement and supply chain stakeholders. Journal of Cleaner Production, 363, pp. 132619.
    FRITZ, M., SILVA, M., TOUBOULIC, A. (2022). Practicing sustainability in operations and supply Chain management. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 23 (4), 323-328. doi:10.1080/16258312.2022.2138160.
    QUIROZ, M., FRITZ, M., SIMUNOVIC, N., STERN, T., RAUTER, R. (2021). Overcoming Sustainability Challenges with Non-Profit Organizations? Insights from the Apparel Supply Chain. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. doi:
    FRITZ, M., RUEL, S., KALLMUENZER, A., HARMS, R. (2021). Sustainability management in supply chains: the role of familiness. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173, 121078. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121078.
    RUEL, S., FRITZ, M. (2021). Gender diversity in supply chains: towards more sustainable decisions? evidence from interviews. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. doi:
    DRILLON, D., FRITZ, M. (2021). Le digital peut-il bouleverser la place de l’humain au sein des Organisations ?. COMMENT RENFORCER DURABLEMENT LA RÉSILIENCE ORGANISATIONNELLE ? Questions de management, 35, pp. 144-145.
    FRITZ, M., LARA-RODRIGUEZ, J. S. (2021). Mercury-free artisanal and small-scale gold mining: Proposing a community-business model canvas. The Extractive Industries and Society, 9. doi:10.1016/j.exis.2021.101039.
    RUEL, S., FRITZ, M., SUBRAMANIAN, N. (2020). Gender diversity for sustainability management: developing a research agenda from a supply chain perspective. Logistique & Management, 28 (3-4), 224-239. doi:10.1080/12507970.2020.1827994.
    FRITZ, M., M.SILVA, "Exploring supply chain sustainability research in Latin America", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2018, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 818-841
    BARTOSZEWICZ-BURCZY, H., BAUMGARTNER, R. J., FAWCETT, T., FRITZ, M. M. C., KILLIP, G., VALLADOLID, T., VIOLI, C. (2018). Assessing the intangibles: socioeconomic benefits of improving energy efficiency. Acta Energetica. doi:10.12736/issn.2300-3022.2018408.
    FRITZ, M. M. C., R.RAUTER, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, N.DENTCHEV, "A supply chain perspective of stakeholder identification as a tool for responsible policy and decision-making", Environmental Science and Policy, Mars 2018, vol. 81, pp. 63-76
    FRITZ, M. M. C., "Women in ASGM:? What Does the Research Literature Tell Us? ", Women & Environments International Magazine, Eté 2017, no. 98/99, pp. 24-28
    SILVA, M., M. M. C.FRITZ, B.NUNES, "Scanning Insights on Sustainability and Supply Chain Management in Brazil", Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, 2017, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 33-54
    FRITZ, M. M. C., J. P.SCHÖGGL, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "Selected sustainability aspects for supply chain data exchange: Towards a supply chain-wide sustainability assessment", Journal of Cleaner Production, Janvier 2017, vol. 141, pp. 587–607
    SCHÖGGL, J. P., M. M. C.FRITZ, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "Sustainability Assessment in Automotive and Electronics Supply Chains - A Set of Indicators Defined in a Multi-Stakeholder Approach", Sustainability, Novembre 2016, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1185
    FRITZ, M. M. C., P. A.MAXSON, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "The mercury supply chain, stakeholders and their responsibilities in the quest for mercury-free gold", Resources Policy, Décembre 2016, vol. 50, pp. 177–192
    SCHÖGGL, J. P., M. M. C.FRITZ, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "Toward supply chain-wide sustainability assessment: a conceptual framework and an aggregation method to assess supply chain performance", Journal of Cleaner Production, Septembre 2016, vol. 131, pp. 822-835

    Chapitres d'ouvrage

    FRITZ, M., FERNANDES, V., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Teaching sustainability management and the creation of the MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Excelia. dans Linda Irwin, Isabel Rimanoczy, Morgane Fritz, James Weichert (Eds.), Transforming Business Education for a Sustainable Future: Stories from Pioneers. Routledge.
    DRILLON, D., FRITZ, M., BISCACCIANTI, A. (2022). L'application de l’IA dans une logique d’élargissement de l’approche RSE. dans Rosé Jean-Jacques, Delattre Miguel (Eds.), RSE ET NUMÉRIQUE - UNE VISION FRANCOPHONE (pp. 291-304). Editions EMS.
    RUEL, S., SILVA, M., FRITZ, M., JAEGLER, A. (2022). Gender diversity in supply chain management. dans Joseph Sarkis (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Palgrave MacMillan.
    FRITZ, M. (2022). Ethical supply chain practices to achieve supply chain resilience. dans Dr. Ramakrishna Yanamandra (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Supply Chain Resiliency, Efficiency, and Visibility in the Post-Pandemic Era (pp. 402-422). IGI Global.
    FRITZ, M., CÓRDOVA ESPINOZA, M. (2021). Addressing Sustainability Challenges Through Supply Chain Managers’ Transformative Leadership Behavior. dans Aixa Ritz and Isabel Rimanoczy (Ed.), Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 9-30). Palgrave MacMillan.
    FRITZ, M. (2021). Students as Change Makers to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. dans Ekaterina Ivanova and Isabel Rimanoczy (Ed.), Revolutionizing Sustainability Education: Stories and Tools of Mindset Transformation. Routledge.
    FRITZ, M., BISCACCIANTI, A., DRILLON, D. (2020). Industry 4.0 versus Enterprise 4.0 in a Circular Economy: Why and How to Keep the Human Capital at the Center of Management Systems?. dans Serge Guérin & Jean-Louis Martinez (Ed.), Les Défis de l'Economie Circulaire. EDI PRO.
    FRITZ, M. (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain Management. dans Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds), Responsible Consumption and Production. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (pp. 1-14). Springer.
    FRITZ, M., REINDL, S., SCHUERCH, R., UNGERICHT, B., BACHMAIR, U. (2019). Land Haus Gespräche, Menschenrechte im Fokus. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. dans Landtag Steiermark (Ed.) (pp. 95-112). Leykam Verlag.
    SAARI, U. A., M. M. C.FRITZ, S. J.MÄKINEN, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "Designing Green Marketing Across Industries: A Conceptual Framework and Implications for Consumers and Transdisciplinary Research" dans Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research. World Sustainability Series., Leal Filho, W. Eds, Springer, pp. 581-596, 2018
    FRITZ, M. M. C., J. P.SCHÖGGL, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "Enabling a Supply Chain-Wide Sustainability Assessment: A Focus on the Electronics and Automotive Industries" dans Social and Environmental Dimensions of Organizations and Supply Chains. Greening of Industry Networks Studies., Brandenburg, M., Hahn, G.J., Rebs, T. Eds, Springer, vol. 5, pp. 61-77, 2018
    FRITZ, M. M. C., N.TESSMANN, "Management of Conflict Minerals in Automotive Supply Chains: Where to Start from? " dans Social and Environmental Dimensions of Organizations and Supply Chains: Tradeoffs and Synergies., Brandenburg, M., Hahn, G.J., Rebs, T. Eds, Springer, chap. 10, 2017
    SCHOBER, A., J. P.SCHÖGGL, M. M. C.FRITZ, R. J.BAUMGARTNER, "A System Model of the Recycling of Critical Raw Materials from Wastes and By-Products in Austria", Pomberger, Roland et al. Eds, Recy&DepoTech. Leoben. Institut für Abfallverwertungstechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, pp. 193-198, 2016
    BAUMGARTNER, R. J., M. M. C.FRITZ, J. P.SCHÖGGL, "Sustainability and Supply Chain Management – Aspects, Indicators and Performance Measurement", Biedermann, H., Vorbach, S., Posch, W. Eds, Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit. Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 31-44, 2015
  • Communications dans une conférence sans acte

    RIMAUD, M.-N., FRITZ, M. (2023). Establishing a case centre. Members' Case Forum.
    KADIO, C., FRITZ, M., LECHNER, G. (2023). Circular supply chain management in emerging economies. PROLOG.
    FRITZ, M., CORDOVA ESPINOZA, M. (2022). Characterizing the sustainability mindset for sustainable supply chain management: a multiple case- analysis in the electronics sector. 9th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Zagreb, Croatie.
    IVANOVA, E., RIMANOCZY, I., HUANG, A., FRITZ, M., LEES, M., STORBERG-WALKER, J., ... NAIM INDRAJAYA, A. (2021). Facilitating Sustainability: A Mindset for a Resilient Future. PRME Virtual Global Forum.
    STONER, J., FRITZ, M., OEBKER, J., ANJALI, A., DUMLAO, L., RODRIGUEZ REYES, L. R., CEMENTINA, R. (2021). From responsible to transformative: Transforming all Business Education to Accelerate the Collective Impact of Management Education in the Decade of Action (World Café). PRME Virtual Global Forum.
    FRITZ, M. (2021). Students as Change Makers to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Caterpillar and the Butterfly: Stories of Real Transformation. AOM - BRINGING THE MANAGER BACK IN MANAGEMENT.
    STONER, J., WEICHERT , J., FRITZ, M., OEBKER, J., ANJALI, A., IRWIN, L., ... SANEY, A. (2021). Beyond Business As Usual – Finding Ways Forward With Early and New Technology. MOBTS.
    SILVA, M., FRITZ, M., CARMAGNAC, L. (2021). The art of choosing: how sustainable development goals are selected and prioritized in global supply chains. PROLOG, Nantes..
    FRITZ, M., CONTE GRAND, M. (2021). Sustainability and Business. Open conference organised by Excelia (France) and UCEMA (Argentina).
    FRITZ, M., CORDOVA, M. (2021). Transforming supply chain managers’ mindset to address sustainability challenges in supply chains. EurOMA Sustainability Forum.
    FERRARI, G., FRITZ, M. (2021). The Cognac supply chain: a case of multiple supply chain stakeholder cooperation to develop a more sustainable supply chain. EurOMA Sustainability Forum, Excelia Business School, La Rochelle.
    RUEL, S., FRITZ, M. (2020). Gender diversity in supply chain management: towards more sustainable decisions? Evidence from interviews. 13th International Congress of Logistics Research (RIRL 2020).
    STONER, J., FRITZ, M., IRWIN, L., SAGENDORF, K., WEICHERT , J. (2020). Transforming business education for a sustainable/flourishing/regenerating world. ACADEMY OF BUSINESS EDUCATION / FINANCIAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION.
    FRITZ, M., CÓRDOVA ESPINOZA, M. (2020). Ethics in supply chain management. LEAP retreat - PRME working group on the Sustainability Mindset.
    FRITZ, M., FERNANDES, V. (2020). Teaching and research on sustainability. Innovating and Collaborating In Business Education For A Sustainable/flourishing/regenerating World. Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (MOBTC), Purdue, Fort Wayne, USA.
    FRITZ, M., FERNANDES, V. (2020). Teaching and research on sustainability - Experience and practices from La Rochelle Business School, France. PDW: "Transforming Business Education Through Sustainable Development Goals and Curriculum Innovation". Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
    FRITZ, M. (2020). Systemic stakeholder identification for sustainability. PDW session: “Understanding the contemporary world: going inside to broaden our sight”. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
    FRITZ, M. (2020). Responsible Business Models for Mercury-free Gold Mining. Abschlussveranstaltung des interdisziplinären Praktikums an der Universität Graz "Hard Facts of Hardware #traceyourtech", Graz, Austria.
    FRITZ, M., FERNANDES, V., SILVA, M. (2020). Understanding business model development for supply chain sustainability. EurOMA Forum, Nottingham, UK.
    FRITZ, M., BORUCHOWITCH, F. (2020). Responsible procurement – a source of value creation for supply chain stakeholders. EurOMA Forum, Nottingham, UK.
    FRITZ, M., BISCACCIANTI, A., DRILLON, D. (2020). Industry 4.0 versus Enterprise 4.0 in a Circular Economy: Why and How to Keep the Human Capital at the Center of Management Systems?. NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UI GREENMETRIC IN FRANCE, INSEEC, Paris.
    FRITZ, M. (2019). Creating a global movement for the survival of all species. Eco-Campus, Poitiers, France.
    FRITZ, M. (2019). « #TechForGood : le digital pour protéger les citoyens-consommateurs ». La Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale des Entreprises et leur Supply Chain. Salon Produrable, Paris, France.
    SCHÖGGL, J. P., FRITZ, M., SAARI, U., BAUMGARTNER, R. J. (2019). The effect of consumers´ environmental awareness on product expectations - the case of the Fairphone 1. PROLOG, Metz, France.
    SILVA, M., FRITZ, M. (2019). A practice-based view of sustainability management in supply chains. RIODD, La Rochelle, France.
    SILVA, M., FRITZ, M. (2019). Practice-based view and sustainability management in supply chains. EurOMA Forum, Göthenburg, Sweden.
    RUEL, S., FRITZ, M. (2019). Impact of gender diversity in supply chains on corporate social responsibility: developing a research agenda. PROLOG 2019.

    Études de cas déposées

    FRITZ, M., FERRARI, G. (2021). Sustainability in the Cognac Supply Chain. Teaching note-Reference no. 621-0050-8. The Case Center.
    FERRARI, G., FRITZ, M. (2021). Sustainability in the Cognac Supply Chain. The Case Center.